USA Skills Clinics

What is the USA Skills Clinics

Tired of senseless and non progressive training methods? The the FLYERS USA Skills Clinic is designed to take players transitioning from our with proven principles of training, data to back up effective methods, and is intended to accelerate an athletes ability to acquire and retain these key components to a well rounded Volleyball athlete listed below...

  • Skill development
  • Game Play IQ
  • Overall Athletic Performance

Why is this program beneficial to your athlete?

Each athlete will be trained under Gold Medal Squared Elite Volleyball Training System for Game and Skill Development.A Performance program designed to build the athletes from the ground up using methods designed to protect, strengthen, and increase power for todays volleyball athletes.

Who is this program for?

Players from the following
  • Current club experience players 
  • Players transitioning out of Future Flyers and wanting to prep for Club level play
  • Players transitioning from Recreation and Competitive ball wanting to prep for Club level

Times & Days for Training

Class 1: 4:30-6pm

  • Monday: Serving & Serve Receive Passing  + Game play 
  • Tuesday: Hitting & Defense + Game play 
  • Wednesday: All skills + Game play 

Winter Weeks of Training


Week 1 - 6, 7, 8

Week 2 - 13, 14, 15

Week 3 - 20, 21, 22

Week 4 - 27, 28, 29


Week 1 - 3, 4, 5

Week 2 - 10, 11, 12

Week 3 - 17, 18, 19

Week 4 - 24, 25, 26

Cost for Training & Registration

  • Training includes unlimited days of training. 

    • January Monthly subscription - $250.00/month:  Click Here
    • February Monthly subscription - $250.00/month:  Click Here

Contact Information

Coach Heather Weiss, FF Skills Program Director