
This will be a 5-week season played at the Flyers Sports & Event Center with a final tournament.

Teams practice one day a week and will be scheduled on Sunday-Thursday with matches on Friday nights.

Teams will be made up of 9-11 players. Each team will practice for 90 minutes a week and play 2 matches on game days.

Below are the divisions offered for Spring League. You will select the grade level that your player will be in THIS SCHOOL YEAR.

Cost: $250 per player which includes an experienced club coach, t-shirt, practices, and games.

Divisions and Age Groups

Recreational Division (inexperienced players who CANNOT SERVE OVERHAND and have never played at the club level.)

  • Grades 1 and 2
  • Grades 3 and 4
  • Grades 5 and 6

Recreational players do NOT come to placement day. They will be assigned teams.

Competitive Division (moderately experienced players who CAN SERVE OVERHAND, with some club or league experience.)

  • Grades 5 and 6
  • Grades 7 and 8
  • Grades 9 and 10

Team Placement - Competitive Teams will be formed by our league administrator based on age group, team availability, and skill level.

Competitive Division players - MUST come to the March 30th placement day. Teams will be formed by age and level.

(For grades 5 and 6-If you do not attend placement day, you might be placed on a recreational team instead.)

If you cannot make the placement day, you must contact knguyen@ffvbc.com prior to placement day. Include your athlete's full name and age in the email.

Important Dates

Placement day for Competitive Players - March 30th from 5:00-6:00 PM

Team Assignments, Practice Days and Times- Week of April 7th (subject to change)

Practices and Matches (your team will practice one time in the week):

    Week 1 - April 14-17/ Game 1 - April 18

    Week 2 - April 21-24/Game 2 - April 25

    Week 3 - April 28-May 1 /Game 3 - May 2

    Week 4 - May 5-8/Game 4 - May 9

    Week 5 -May 12-15/Tournament - May 16 tournament

    REGISTRATION DEADLINE - March 28th at midnight

    Team Request Instructions

    If you have a preformed team that you would like to compete in this league please fill out this form.

      Only one parent needs to fill out this form, but each parent needs to register their player individually.

      If you have a complete team from outside the Frisco Flyers Club please email knguyen@ffvbc.com for a link to sign your team up.

      (The cost will be determined by your need for practice time and a coach.)

      TEAM REQUEST DEADLINE - March 28th at midnight

      Friend Requests Instructions

      All friends must be registered in order to be placed on a team.

      Fill out this form to request your athlete to be on a team with their friends.

      We will do our best to honor requests but they are not guaranteed.

      FRIEND REQUEST DEADLINE - March 28th at midnight

      Cancellation Policy: 

      • We staff our coaches and schedule league accordingly based on registration numbers.
      • If you cancel within the time periods below, we will credit your FFVBC account. NO CASH OR CC REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN. 
      • Full Credit Refund = Prior to 14 days BEFORE assessment begins
      • 50% Credit Refund = AFTER 1st assessment begins
      • No Refunds or Credits after practice begins

      (If the recreational division does not make you will be able to transfer to our Future Flyers program or receive a Credit/Refund).

      After reading the above information, please select the appropriate team and add it to your cart. Please email knguyen@ffvbc.com with questions or concerns.

      1st/2nd Recreational


      3rd/4th Recreational


      5th/6th Recreational


      5th/6th Competitive


      7th/8th Competitive


      9th/10th Competitive
